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ASME Vic – VCE Music Performance: Navigating the SACs and Rubrics

  • 23 January @ 6:30 pm

Event Details


23 January
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm





Approaches to navigating the SACs and Rubrics for VCE Repertoire and Contemporary Music Performance

About this event:

In this webinar, experienced VCE Music teacher, Lynne Morton shares an approach to navigating the SACs and Rubrics for Repertoire and Contemporary Music Performance in the new VCE Music Study Design. Lynne taught at Belmont High School in Geelong and throughout her career she has typically taught combined VCE classes. The students in Lynne’s classes typically come with a wide range of prior musical experience, including those who do not have an instrumental teacher and have learnt via the ‘Youtube method’. This webinar will be particularly helpful for those new to teaching VCE Music. Her previous webinars for ASME (available on the ASME members section of the website) unpack the Study Design in detail including a semester outline, a weekly plan, typical activities, and an outline of the assessment tasks for each of the Outcomes.

The webinar will be delivered live via Zoom with time for Q&A. It will be recorded and available afterwards to ASME members in the members-only section of the ASME website along with previous webinars for VCE Music recorded by Lynne and Mark McSherry. Registration essential.

Presenter – Lynne Morton:

Lynne Morton has been a classroom music teacher for 36 years for the Victorian Department of Education and Training. She has undertaken a range of wider leadership roles in the schools she has taught in. She is an experienced VCE music teacher and has undertaken a range of roles with the VCAA in VCE music including as: Chief Assessor for Music Repertoire Performance, a reviewer for VCE courses, assessor for Music Performance written examinations. She has presented for many years at the aMuse VCE Music Conference about her listening journal approach and approach to teaching combined VCE music classes which is always well received by VCE music teachers. She has been a sessional lecturer at the Faculty of Education, UoM where she presents workshops that unpack the VCE Study Design for pre-service secondary classroom music teachers. She has also presented internationally at ISME conferences in Greece and Glasgow.

Webinar host – Emily Wilson:

Emily Wilson is a senior lecturer and head of music education at the Faculty of Education at the University of Melbourne. With over 20 years experience as a music educator, she current teaches Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary pre-service teachers. Her research interests include student engagement, engaging teacher practices, formal and informal learning in music education which she has published in journals and presented at national and international conferences. Her PhD thesis is titled: “It’s music and we came to play instruments”: Teaching for engagement in classroom music.

ASME members FREE! Non-members $80 (price of membership)

To register click on the Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/779192364337?aff=oddtdtcreator

**Zoom link will be provided upon registration


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